Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gossip Girls Anti McCain PSA

The gossip girls stars are pro-Obama all the way. Gossip stars including Penn Badgley and Blake Lively collaborated with well-known director Doug Liman to put together a television ad. It's a 30 second spot sponosored by MoveOn.org and runs on the CW Network, MTV and Comedy Central. This pro-Obama ad features the all-star cast talking to their "parents" and their generation telling them not to vote for John McCain. It is supposed to serve as a sort of a spoof on drug service announcements. The script plays off this. A line Lively uses is "If you're ever out somewhere and you're considering voting McCain, just call me. I'll pick you up. No questions asked

Just recently released, this video is already all over Youtube. The hits are many and the message is being passed along at a quick rate.

See youtube posting:

1 comment:

Shannon N. said...

I lovvvved this when I first saw it. My roommate sent it to me when she first heard about it a couple weeks ago. I think it works so well because obviously it stars notable celebrities but because of its spoof value (like you mentioned)... Despite the good message, no teenager responds well to the anti-drug ads constantly on TV. Playing off of those ads makes it much more interesting and entertaining to teenagers.