Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Twitter vs. Facebook Status Updates

Yesterday in class, we learned about the social media technology of Twitter. Honestly, prior to class I only heard of it. I had no clue how it functioned. In order to follow along with the lecture, I decided to sign up for my own Twitter. The first thing it asked me was, "What are you doing?" This seemed suprisingly familiar. To my suprise Twitter seemed like a facebook application. I felt like it was just a whole bunch of "status updates." Just like when I log into facebook and update my status for all my friends to see, I can do it hear as well. I didn't really see the point. A whole social media based on status updates? Ok?? But as the lecture progressed, we were told that there is more benefit to it then just whats a face value. Twitter is also beneficial for political candidates to let their followers know where they are and what they are doing/planning to do. I'm more open to the media now, but I don't think I will be using its services anytime soon.

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